Solve et Coagula


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With this new design called “Banebdjedet” we’re trying to introduce you to a new hypothesis regarding “Baphomet” provenance.

Many of you have already heard or read the expression “Goat of Mendes”, a symbol strictly connected to the baphomet and the devil itself.
Mendes, the Greek name of the city Djedet (in Lower Egypt) is a place where the god Banebdjedet was worshiped. (Banebdjedet has Khnum as the equivalent god in Upper Egypt)
This god with an ovine head is described in the ancient “Book of the Heavenly Cow” as the “Ram of Mendes” and as a Ram God (as in many other cultures) he was credited with strong sexual powers.

“Ram gods were particularly renowned for their virility and one of Banebdjedet’s epithets was Lord of Sexual Pleasure.(…) Greek writers reported that a male goat was honored as a fertility god at Mendes and identified with Greek god Pan. (…) The sexual aspect of the cult at Mendes made it particularly disliked by early Christains. Banebdjedet’s form as a ram or goat-headed man was reinterpreted as a devil figure who entered Western tradition as the horned King of the Witches.” – Geraldine Pinch, “Egyptian Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Goddesses and Traditions of Ancient Egypt”, 2002.

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Weight 300 g



100% Cotton, 190gr



Printed in

Silk Screen, water-based ink

Size Guide


Width (cm)5053565962
Length (cm)6971737577