
Category : ,

Date : 2015

We hear about the Serpentarium normally as the place at the zoo where the reptiles live.
The Serpentarium defines as well the 13th sign of the zodiac according to the new astrology. It is related to the constellation of Ophiuchus showing a man holding a snake, connected directly to the legend of Laocoon, a priest of Poseidon at Troy, which was strangled by snakes. The famous sculptural group of Laocoon is our most direct influence, expressing their agony and despair in a disturbing way.

We also find great references in Dante’s Inferno (CantoXXIV) where countless vipers attack penitents in the circle of thieves.

Lucifer is also represented surrounded by snakes, whose we decide to portray with human heads, denouncing the cynical and misleading nature of man.

Snakes in your closet

“Human Mortality (Memorare Novissimatua)” - Christoffel van Sichem II, c. 1657
“Skull Crowned with Snakes and Flowers, The Duchess of Malfi” - Author: John Webster, Artist: Henry Weston Keen, c.1930
“Dante’s Inferno -Canto XXIV -Punishment of Thieves” - Gustave Doré, 1861.
“Taurus Poniatowski, Serpentarius, Scutum Sobiesky, and Serpens” from: Urania's Mirror; or, a view of the Heavens. -by: Sidney Hall, 1824.
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