Modern Stigmata

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Date : 2017

There are many different cases of stigmata around the World, that’s so confusing to understand how can you have such lacerations in your body with no reasonable explanation.
Are these some kind of self induce wounds as imitation of Christ?
Or part of a dogmatic paranormal phenomena?

We can’t tell for sure but we can easily imagine a world where that was one more religious trick or propaganda, if you like.
A factory/mechanism is seen under the bruised hand. This mechanical device spreads the word of God trough inexplicable events, just like a hypnotic automaton, able to speak a few words.

”Hand Prosthetics or Le Petit Lorrain mechanical hand” in: Dix livres de la chirurgie - Dr. Ambroise Paré, 1564.
“Christ's stigmata” in: Historia Admiranda de Iesu Christi Stigmatibus- archbishop Alfonso Paleotti, 1607.
“The Sacred Heart and the wounds of Christ displayed on a Cross (‘Arms of Jesus Christ’)” - Unknown, c.1490-1530.

At the same time we wanted to show an aesthetic inspired by hindu iconography, a hand rising from the material world with the gift of intuition and comprehension.
Maybe an alternative version of Nirvana.
Well and that is quite the opposite we said above…

White Tara” detail - Tibetan Buddhist thangka painting.
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