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Date : 2017

 For the egyptians the akh was the blessed or ‘transfigured’ soul of a person who died and whose soul had been judged by Osiris and found Maat Kheru – the justified.
The Akh was an effective spirit, who could still influence events in this world.
We can see it as an union of Ba and Ka (see Glossarium).  It is the imortal part of the soul, the radiant being inside the spiritual body, the intellect.
The Akh transfigures itself in death and rise up to the skies and live amongst the gods.
“The Ka and Ba were spiritual entities that everyone possessed, but the Akh was an entity reserved for only the select few that were deserving of maat kheru (the pharaoh by instance).
Their beliefs were that the living were responsible to help the dead’s journey into the Afterlife.”
“The living had a duty to help those who had gone before them, and to those who would come after, by building and maintaining tombs. Tombs were the interface between time and eternity.”

This design also represents (in a different way) the understanding of the self, a personal journey within, the balance between the the caos and the cosmos inside you and your place in the Universe.

Your path in the afterlife

Panel tile representing the Masjid al-Haram (Sacred Mosque) of the city of Mecca. Made in Iznik (Turkey) -17th century.
“Nun, god of the waters of chaos, lifts the barque of the sun god Ra into the sky at the beginning of time.” in: The Book of the Dead of Anhai - Thebes, c. 1050 BC.
“The Microcosmos” in Utriusque Cosmi. - Robert Fludd , 1617–24
“The journey of the deceased to the afterlife” - from the Book of the Dead of Heruben, Third Intermediate Period (papyrus). Egyptian 21st Dynasty (c.1069-945 BC)
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