Hollow Hand

Category : ,

Date : 2020

The Hollow hand follows the path of his precedent – The Hollow Earth :

“There are countless histories about the the hollow earths, tales of underworld societies, conspiracy theories, secret cults (like the christians in ancient Rome) or places where the dead souls live, like the Hades in classic mythology and Hell as Dante imagined in his Divine Comedy.

This was , maybe, the strongest influence, a hollow underground where the souls of the condemned are suffering for their past sins, punished by evil entities and other mythological figures, all surrounded by a symbolic /metaphoric atmosphere of awe.”

As a seed, the hollow hand grows from the underground searching for new life on the surface. The fear of an unknown world distorted the original intentions to recreate the lost society –  consequently, the evolution of hollow cults led us all to a new kind of spiritual ruin.

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