Altar of Sacred Screens

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Date : 2020

“God is in the T.V.”

A deleted scene from Jodorowsky’s “Holy Mountain” shows us an altar with a cross made of televisions, at its base, a couple seem to worship it. That was an idea we saw developed a little more in Neil Gaiman’s great novel “American Gods”, where media was turned into a new God due the colossal number of new devotees, and the sacrifices in ”her” name:

“The TV’s the altar. I’m what people are sacrificing to.’
‘What do they sacrifice?’ asked Shadow.
‘Their time, mostly,’ said Lucy. ‘Sometimes each other.”

Nowadays the TV-cross is a technologically outdated but that doesn’t mean that looses its charm. On the contrary, it gains a special classical charisma, just like Jesus Christ in the old wooden cross; We don’t believe a Phone-Cross has the same impact.

For us the media is the ultimate seductress, advertising our most futile dreams and exploiting our weaknesses. We will pray for a new SUV or for the new iPhone and we will kill for it. 

The book of Revelation says : “(…) thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison”- Satan was the great deceiver in the book of Genesis and looks like he’s back, folks – Be careful!

Our TVs are full of static, not showing us a clear picture of what is really happening. Unfortunately, disinformation or media manipulation is very common in the present-days- It happens to see people creating an image or argument that favours their particular interests.

We seem to see a crucified messiah in the TV collection and he’s giving us his blessing. At the same time, his feet are wounded, making him a martyr – Everyone loves martyrs. 

His head is made by multiple children skulls appealing to your pity and playing with your feelings. The repetition (of the heads) is a common and effective strategy used by advertising to create a sense of familiarity and to have their products stuck in our minds. It is important to note how advertising shape our society — the way we see, think, understand and act. 

“Advertising: the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it.”- Stephen Leacock

The sleeve designs have references to the Big Brother and Orwell’s 1984; and the how TV could affect and conditioning children’s attitudes and development. 

As you see Television and Religion are not that different from each other. 

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“Crucifix with crucifixion scene” , Raphaël Sadeler, 1622.
Christ on the Cross” Lucas Cranach, c. 1495
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